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Between enlightenment and challenge: The duality of shamanic rituals worldwide

  • person Gabriel Elmar Bene
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Zwischen Erleuchtung und Herausforderung: Die Dualität schamanischer Rituale weltweit - The Art of Freedom

Between enlightenment and challenge: The duality of shamanic rituals worldwide

Shamanic rituals are a profound method of spiritual practice found in many cultures around the world. These rituals are used for healing, spiritual cleansing, vision quests, and connecting with the transcendent. They can be performed with or without the use of substances.

Without substances, shamanic rituals often rely on drumming, chanting, dancing, and meditation to facilitate trance states and spiritual journeys. These practices allow the shaman or participants to communicate with spiritual helpers, experience healing, or receive insights and messages.

With substances, shamans use psychoactive plants such as ayahuasca in South America, peyote in North America, iboga in Africa, and fly agaric in some Eurasian traditions. These substances are used in a ritual context to induce visions that allow the individual to gain deep personal insights, experience healing, or receive spiritual guidance.

In South America, the Ayahuasca ritual is particularly well-known, in which participants drink the Ayahuasca tea under the guidance of an experienced shaman. This leads to intense visionary experiences that are often described as life-changing.

In North America, the peyote cactus is central to the rituals of the Native American Church. Peyote ceremonies include prayers, chants, and the consumption of peyote to promote healing and spiritual insight.

In Africa, the root of the iboga tree is used in initiation rituals, especially in Gabon among the Bwiti. Iboga is considered a means of communicating with ancestors and spiritual renewal.

In Europe, traditional shamanic practices were largely displaced by Christianization, but in some cultures remnants have been preserved in the form of folk magic, healing practices and the use of plants for ritual purposes.

These rituals, whether substance-based or not, offer deep insights into the human psyche and allow participants to experience and heal beyond the physical body. They are conducted in a sacred, respectful setting that ensures the safety and well-being of participants. Experiences can vary widely, but are often characterized by deep emotional, psychological and spiritual transformations.


  • Personal Growth: Participants often report profound insights into their personal lives that lead to significant emotional and spiritual growth.
  • Healing: Many people seek out shamanic rituals for healing from psychological, physical and emotional ailments that remain unresolved by conventional medicine.
  • Connection: The experience can promote a sense of connection with nature, the universe and the spiritual world.


  • Psychological risks: Without adequate preparation and support, deep psychological experiences can be traumatic.
  • Physical reactions: The physical effects of the substances used can be stressful or dangerous for some individuals.
  • Legal and ethical concerns: The use of certain psychoactive substances is illegal or ethically controversial in many countries, especially when traditional practices are applied outside their cultural context.

Conclusion: Shamanic rituals offer unique paths to self-discovery and healing, but also carry risks that should not be underestimated. Making an informed decision, choosing an experienced guide and paying attention to your own psychological and physical state are essential. Integrating these experiences into daily life requires careful reflection and support. In the right environment and with a responsible approach, shamanic practices can be an enriching addition to personal development and the spiritual path.

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